Festival Courses

How to participate in a festival course at DTU?

Roskilde Festival attracts some of the worlds greatest and most promising artists every year, together with 75,000 visitors and 25,000 voluenteers. Now you can develop new proposals and initiatives for Roskilde Festival by signing up for a festival course at DTU. It will provide you with both ECTS points for your education and access to this years festival. 


Taking a festival course means that you perform projectwork concerning a technical problem at Roskilde Festival. The course is typically performed during spring, but it is also possible to start the project work during fall. After the project period the result must be tested in practice at Roskilde Festival. You typically get 5 ECTS points for your project work.


Roskilde Festival is every year the fifth largest city in Denmark, and is built up in only 2 weeks. This provides a wide range of technical issues that need innovative, theoretical and especially practical thinking to solve. Through a festival course you get an unique opportunity to take on an engineering chanllenge and test ideas and concepts in practice.


Project work is a part of your education, and you will get the opportunity to experiment with for example, eco-friendly charging, waste management, acoustics, water supply or something or traffic planning. The possibilities are many.



Nu kan du udvikle nye forslag og tiltag til Roskilde Festival ved at tilmelde dig et festivalkursus.

Som bachelor-, diplomingeniør- eller kandidatstuderende på DTU har du mulighed for at tage et festivalkursus.

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